Wednesday, July 1, 2015

what week is it?

Week one of camp was so crazy and exhausting that it kind of felt like week five. Week two was so high energy and refreshing that it felt like week one. By the middle of week three,  I was feeling rested. I'm now halfway through all nations camp (it's already July!) and I'm so confused.

Anyway, the real week one of resident camp was an incredibly large week. We had a record number of campers and half the staff lost their voice by Wednesday. I lost mine mostly because I had to yell so loudly to get someone pass food from one end of the table to the other. Regardless, my campers were so enthusiastic about camp and really well behaved. They meshed well and there was little to no drama. I could not have had a better group to dress up like robots and learn how to do headstands with. Todd and I taught a super cool activity (1Peter1 club) that was all about encouraging words and acts of kindness. We ended the week out by giving Dirk (the camp dog) a bath. A good time was had by all. There are so many other stories I could tell, but those will have to wait for another day.

Week two was so challenging. My cabin was full of interesting twelve year old girls with layered lives and an unhealthy obsession with farts. I'm serious. Our whole skit on thursday was camp songs with new, flatulent lyrics. I had so much fun this week. The girls were really receptive to what was being shared with them.  I also taught "Wild Women" this week. Anna and I teamed up and shared wilderness and self-defense skills in this class. We built fires, punched the boy counselors, and made something out of wood. It was one of my favorite activities I've taught all summer. The week ended with hard rain and one of the sweetest talks with my camper in the warm, dusty woodshop.

I expected week three to be crazy. I had thirteen thirteen year old campers with Hannah in the new cabin...which just so happens to be on the boy's side of camp. Honestly, I was predicting drama, sleep deprivation, and purpling issues. Instead, the girls were all friends, I  napped often, and they all seemed pretty aware of the fact that boys are gross (especially at age thirteen). The week included some of the deepest cabin devotions and most open porch talks yet. I can honestly say that this past week is one of my favorites I've worked at Cedar Lake. I saw some incredible spiritual growth and experienced the peace that only Jesus can supply.

Rain, rest, and too much coffee can pretty much sum up all nations camp so far. It's been needed and nice.

Sorry for the excessive amount of information. I'll try to not let three weeks go by next time!

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