Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Life, as I know it right now.

Life is good.
Love is good.
Friends are good.
God is good.
Motivation is good.
Sleeping is good.
Music is good.
Sufjan is good.
Cold is good.
Chapstick is good.
Photos are good.

All of these are understatements.

Honestly, my life the last couple weeks has been hard. Emotionally, physically, mentally. I've been bogged down with thinking of the future more than I do the present. I've been bogged down by routines. and most of all I've been bogged down by the weight of my own sin.
Then came hope.
As I was reading Catcher in the Rye I read a passage where Holden (the main character) says about a museum- "Nobody'd be different. The only thing that would be different would be you." He goes on to say that no matter what, you'd be a different person every time you'd come to the museum.
Then I realized something about days. They're interesting things you see, because every single one of them is new. No matter what, at the beginning of each day, I'm a different person than I was before. I may not change personalities. But I may have talked to someone new the day before or dreamed something or not dreamed at all. Because every day is a fresh page, I needn't worry about. You shouldn't either.
So seize tomorrow with a zeal unlike any other. You're a new you. the Day's a new Day.

Mary Em.

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