Friday, October 29, 2010

I don't like titling things I cannot name.

For you who is afflicted with the bittersweet sadness that things will change.
For you who prays and hopes that things will stay the same.
For you who watches little girls and boys play, and it makes your heart sing and cry all at once.
For you who loves deeply, and suffers greatly for it.
For you who is brave.
For you who is timid.
For you who cannot love yourself.
For you who is taken for granted.
For you who cannot remember your childhood.
For you who chooses not to.
For you who dreams and believes.
For you who doubts.

Know that change is like fire to a metal-it will burn, but eventually blossom into beauty.
Know that those who truly love you will always love you.
Know that the little child in you will never stop reaching for the sky to touch the sun.
Know that there's a Physician that will always heal your wounds.
Know that you are needed for those who are not.
Know that there is a Father that will always be at your defense.
Know that the you are infinitely loved.
Know that you affect more people than you will ever know.
Know that the past is but a ghost and the future a haunt, so open your eyes to the world around you at this moment.
Know that your best time is now.
Know that you should never, ever stop.
Know that there is One you can trust.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I love it. So much.

I realize that lately, I've been taking people for granted. Do you ever just catch yourself watching life go by? I see and talk to lots of different people. I love every one of them for different reasons and I don't even realize it!
I am so blessed.

Anyway, I encourage you to grasp how much you are loved, and how many people you love. You touch and are touched by more people than you will ever know.

Mary Em

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I want to be well, I want to be well,

I want to be well, I want to be well, I want to be well, I want to be well.


Just a photo.

Mary Em

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Trapped in darkness. Waiting for the time to break the walls. The time to let the light and wind crash into your very soul. Lose your fear of flight. Revel in soaring up into the sky-up to the Sun itself. Dazzle others with your love of life and color. Oh glorious time, when life is begun.

What are you waiting for? The time is now.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This is real life


Courtney Marie Andrew's new album is so nice.

Mary Em

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monday Monster

Yesterday was terrible. I'm not going to post about that. I just wanted to upload this photo because I think it's so darn cute.
Also I read the best Sufjan interview (his album, Age of Adz, came out today!)

Have a lovely Wednesday
Mary Em

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Some photos and an actual post.

Oh hi guys, haven't legit posted in a while.
There's a reason.
I'm SUPER busy this semester. For real. I leave in the morning and I don't get home until around 9 every night. But I'm not complaining.
I'm not. Let me explain.
Today is a good example of why I don't complain: I woke up very early (5:30 AM) to meet a good friend at Starbucks to talk about life and God before school. Then I went to Chattanooga State. As I was walking to concert choir, a group of people were playing and singing "How He Loves Us" in the hallway. Worship was happening. I ended up having a couple hours in the afternoon and instead of writing a summary for Comp (which I'm procrastinating as I write this) I went and saw "Scott Pilgrim vs the World" at the cheap theatre with Jenny and Chad. Then I went to church which, as always, was glorious. I am busy. But I have time for fun. And, more than ever, God is a continual part of my life. His presence is evident wherever I go.
There, a real live post. I have to go write that summary now. Have a beautiful week.
Mary Em