Friday, May 11, 2012

journal entry/twenty

written yesterday.

Dear self,
you need a good talking to right now, so I'm going to give you one.
Stop. stop letting your heart get involved in every situation you're in.
don't let attraction dictate your reactions.
don't let your encouragement become affected words that stream from your mouth aimlessly and effortlessly.
press on to be closer to your Lord and don't forget to listen to what He says.
think always of what you can do for others to show your love.
be hopeful, self.
for sometimes I feel that you become quite helpless and hopeless.
don't become a person who keeps to herself. that's fatal.
be known and know others.
pursue others without having fear of what they think.
be gentle, kind, and content, always remembering why.
to lie with your actions or your assumed "selfs" is just like (if not worse than) lying with your lips.
speak always the truth, then, with yourself.
be careful and wise, but also be a tiny bit reckless-for fear is a crutch that stops you from living life fully.
let go. of you completely. I mean, for real, you are not your own anyway.
be free.
be a servant.
focus-above and on others.
be patient! waiting for things makes them even lovelier when they come.
breathe. drink more water. laugh more.
just let it be.
and live.

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