Wednesday, September 5, 2012

contribute to

contribute to, to be an important factor in; help to cause:

as I was sitting in my Early American Literature class today, I became frustrated.

there I was, in an air-conditioned classroom that was chalked full of people.
the question, "why am I here?"came into my mind.
don't get me wrong, in the past I have had some pretty strong anti-college sentiments. I'm not about to go into that.
I'm glad I'm here and I'm glad I'm at school.
that's not what sparked the question.
I did a little introspecting. I wasn't necessarily asking "why?"
I think what I was really asking myself was "what am I doing here?"

as a student starting a new semester, I am facing my own sort of helplessness. I am taking in everything around me (good and bad). I am learning skills and growing in knowledge. all of this I am doing to prepare myself for "real life."
I'm not really contributing to the world that much.
think about it.

why is that?
why can't I?
what does me contributing to the great big earth as a whole look like?

I haven't really answered those questions.
I could conclude this with a saying like "everywhere's a mission field" or "be the change" or something cliche like that.
I know those things ring true.
anyway, I'm not going to just stop at thinking about it.
remember project "Praedicare Veritatem"?
I'm going to re-launch it soon.
but this time I'm going to do it right.
I'll keep you posted.
in the meantime, tell your friends about this crazy girl with crazy ideas and a crazy blog.  you have no idea how much I would appreciate it.

also, contribute to the world around you. even if it is by just existing.


  1. Girl, you have already contributed well. Your photos, your conversations, your blog, and your small groups have sown seeds, pulled weeds, and worshipped our Lord. You are officially One of the Best.

    But keep your eyes turned up. Don't lower your aim.

  2. Agreed with Mr W. And we never stop asking these things and experiencing aggravation at our lack of's a great big world....and there's a lot of hurt....and God wants us to have His heart for His people, so this is a good thing.
