Monday, March 19, 2012

Project Praedicare Veritatem

In spite of the directionally-challenged sentiments I expressed in the previous post, I actually do have a few things in my life I'm sure of.
One is this: I was made to proclaim truth.
Another is this: I like making things and writing things.
So why not start a life long project?
I mean, I may be young, but that hasn't stopped a lot of people. Besides, I don't have anything to lose at this point in time.

All this to say, I am launching Project "Praedicare Veritatem" (proclaim truth). This sounds so fancy, but all it really means is I'm going to begin putting my work for sale to fund things that I think are worth while and write about the causes I'm supporting. My ultimate goal is to start some sort of an online/printed magazine that sheds light on global issues in a way that helps the oppressed help themselves. Rather than giving handouts, I would like to give the Gospel. (Don't get me wrong, if that means donating money for food and such, I would do it. But remember, "teach a man to fish..." ) That's my "mission statement" as of now. Maybe sometime when I get a little more sleep, I'll revise it into something a bit more inspiring.

My first cause sounds pretty silly, because it's myself.
I'm going to Haiti in the sumer for a week and I could use all the financial help I can get. I am open to doing anything regarding the arts, household projects, or childcare.

Besides simply raising support for good causes, I would really like to partner with other artists/bloggers/writers/graphic designers/whoevers out there and make this little something grow. If you are interested at all in this concept or having me do things for money for Haiti, please email/facebook me. I want suggestions and help and prayer.

John 8:32
"and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

praedicare veritatem!
Facebook: Mary Emily Vatt

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