so nowadays there are lots of little boys and girls going through life telling people they are a free spirit, without caring or knowing what that really means.
do they know that a free spirit isn't someone who "bucks the system" or "sticks it to the man"?
instead, a free spirit is someone who is not hemmed in or stretched thin by the expectations of society.
do they know that a free spirit isn't someone who is moody, loud, quiet, thoughtful, flippant, tame, or wild?
no no, a free spirit is someone who comes alive to the world around them.
someone who wants to know who their own self is.
someone who wants to know who their maker is.
someone who copes with the weight of sin by laughing, crying, dancing, singing, running, yelling and creating.
someone who strives to love deeply and intently.
someone who intends to only speak the truth.
I'm a free spirit.
are you?