so i've put this one off.
i've decided that i am not making any sort of resolutions this year. (except to appreciate purple more. i feel i've always overlooked it)
no projects. (except this book called "642 things to write about")
complete freedom.
complete release of all that was shackling me last year. (and previous years)
i want to treat this year like a sweet little infant.
it's clean, new, and i'm not going to assume anything about it.
all i know is:
it's going to sound like this
it's going to look like this
and it's going to be full of love and grace and peace.
and i will be condemned by my own heart no longer.
"for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart.
and He knows everything."
first john three, verse twenty
aha, the meaning behind the purple sweater! haha