Monday, February 13, 2012

seven/journal entry

February 11th 2012
we are empty vessels that are continually being filled from an endless fountain.
the fountain is not one of clear, cool water.
the fountain is not one of sweet, golden honey.
it is one of thick, strong blood, flowing from Emmanuel’s veins.
we are being filled so that one day, we will not be lonely anymore.
we are lonely because the Creator of the universe turned His back on us and said “You have become dark and cannot face me anymore-for I am as bright as light can be.” 
we are lonely because a man who was also God served us to the very end. 
we are lonely because we cannot save ourselves.
because we cannot be known fully.
because we cannot know fully.
when we acknowledge Jesus as King, the blood transfusion begins. 
our dark, cold, blood of death is slowly and painfully bled out of us. 
His bright, warm, blood of life is slowly and painfully poured into us.
we slowly and painfully become more and more like Him.
slowly and painfully.
we cry out for our loneliness to end.
we want to know.
to be known.
to love.
to be loved.
the truth is that we cannot feel those things until we are full of His blood.
full to the top.
the last drop of our blood will fall out us the day that the last drop of His blood is poured into us.
the day we breath our last is when we will be so full of Him that the Father will turn to us and acknowledge us as light again. 
then real life begins.
but where does that leave us now as we wait to be filled?
we cannot simply wait.
we have to act-even if that means making mistakes.

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