Wednesday, February 29, 2012


so I never listen during world civilizations two. the teacher drones on and on and on and makes history (something extremely fascinating) seem as exciting as watching a lightbulb flicker. you think something might happen-that the lightbulb might burst or settle down or something-but nothing ever does. and it's awful.
so usually...
I just think onto paper. it's not always good and put together. but yeah I thought I'd share.

this was written yesterday:

there's a lot to be said about people who make art. I think they are generally thought of as do-nothings and cop-outs. the type of people who have too many feelings and too much time on their hands. I guess this is somewhat true.
however, artists are a crucial part of society.
artists give other people something visual to connect with the quiet whispers of their heart and mind. a lawyer or a doctor or any other person that actually "does something" for the world can look at a piece of art and understand life more.
an artist becomes a cop-out when they stop trying to say anything. they become a do-nothing when they don't care and want to make art for art's sake.

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