Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A few thoughts from...

you guessed it, the Chatt state library...why am I always here?

Thought #1) I smell like developer, stop, and fixer combined. Yuck. but it was so worth it!
#2) I've been thinking (oh no...) Okay, so this morning my youth pastor randomly (what's new? =]) spouts out "Oh, by the way, my sister's dying."

WHAT? By the way!?

So apparently, she has had many many problems in the past and was put in a group home for mentally impaired people. She had a brain-tumor removed, and a cyst (sp?) grew where the whole was. She's having a brain surgery next week. My youth pastor told us all this at starbucks this morning, completely honest, completely normal, unflinching. We prayed for him and Faith 9the name of his sister) when it was my turn, I teared up and it was all I could do to not is he dealing with this?
The thing I've been thinking about is, is it better that a person like that dies? What is God going to do with that person if they live?
Thought #3) our computer is slowly but surely completely dying...I hope it lives a little longer.

Anyway, have a great rest of the day...and please pray for Faith.


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