Sunday, January 10, 2010

Painting and some other things

Blank canvases deserve to be painted.

I love green!

Hmm look at those hills...what do they need?

First: sky..DUH
second: a mysterious path whose origin is unknown

and then it needs a parked bike...some buildings, a mountain, sunshine and clouds!

"We rode our bikes through downtown...we took our hearts for a ride.

Ohh what a mess.

Project #2 has barely begun, I'm sorry to say. I just picked out the fabric for my strap a couple minutes ago. This might be a close call as far as deadlines go. I catered a reception last night.
Three notes to remember: When I get married, I'm going to invite less than a hundred people, have a mellow band, and I'm not going to have an open bar. Enough said.

Mary Em


  1. Aw! I love my picture! It's in front of me right now. :)

    Oh dear..... Open bar does sound like a bad idea.... those presbyterians..... sheesh. lol

  2. hahahah They were NOT presbyterians...

  3. That is too cute! I'm writing a letter back to you tonight and will put it in the mail tomorrow.

  4. I agree about the open bar, but the nice thing about YOUR wedding, is you don't have to do any work!

  5. Thank you jenny!!! I AM SO EXCITED!
    Haha True thing...but I still want a smaller wedding, I think.
