Thursday, January 14, 2010


I've been thinking a lot lately...
Don't be scared =)

Over Christmas break I was blessed to be able to hang out with my dear friend Micah. He's been away at college so long, it took a while for me to get used to having him back. I have always known he was a great musician and things-but I was not aware of his composing capabilities. We (Sara, Micah, and I) were hanging in his house before he left, he played some pieces that he composed. I'm a pretty tough critic when it comes to music. You have to either have great lyrics, or beautiful chord progressions for anything with a guitar to impress me. His songs were, in a word, lovely. They embodied something that cannot be expressed in words....THEN it got me thinking.
How lucky are those people who know how to speak music so fluently they invent words. I feel music all the time. But I lack that ability to translate it into something tangible.
Anyway, that's one of the things that's been on my mind.

I'm a teenager, so I understand how hormones work and all. I also happen to be female, so I know how much fun it is to like a boy and feel liked and whatnot. But there has to be a limit to some things.
This morning , I had a really awkward chat with my youth pastor this morning about relationships. It confirmed somethings I've thought about dating. Like these:
1) Why would you even think about dating before you're 18? Seriously, that person will probably not go to the same college as you. They're also extremely immature and frankly, stupid (everyone knows that boys don't mature until they're 25). Your minds and tastes will change. Therefore, you'll break eachother's hearts, cry a little bit, and move on to the next good looking kid that comes along. But really? Are you going to MARRY this person? Are you really in the position to be looking for the person you'll spend the rest of your life with? *hint- the answer is NO! Of course not!*
2) Why would you date, now that you are 18 (or older)? God doesn't call us to get married as quickly as possible. God calls us to do His will-WITHOUT the distraction that a boyfriend/girlfriend would create. Before you say "But now I can get married!" think about it. You are now an adult. This is the time for God to cultivate who you are.
3) Guy friends are so much better than Boy friends. I wouldn't know this for a FACT, seeing as I've never actually DATED anyone. But I do know that the guys I've been friends with, I have a wayyy better time with than the guys I like. Every girl needs brothers, so I'm not saying isolate yourself from the animal that is a teenage boy. I'm just saying, don't go fawning over them like they're Mr. Darcy (because, after all....who really is?)
4 *this really should be number one* ) Every time and I mean every time I have had a major crush on a guy, I've completely lost sight of who I am in Christ. Suddenly, my identity is wrapped up in someone else. I forget to pray, and daydream about our future life together instead. Silly as it may look, it's actually a serious problem. I stray away from God for another selfish human being. That's not good.
So I know I'm only 16, and I really don't have any new ideas about life and all this. I also know that I am a human, therefore, my views will not always stay the same, cuz humans are inconsistent. But for now, that's what I think. Take it or leave it.

Last thing, I promise-I've been really sick lately. Not deathly ill, or even sick enough to slow me down, just sick. I've had severe headaches and all sorts of lung troubles. It's got me thinking about how gratefulo I am for the things God has blessed me with. Not silly things like pomplamoose (grapefruit) and Bon Iver, real things like my church, people that I love, music, art, sunshine, the gorgeous place I live...things I generally take for granted. Although I have not been on my deathbed (yet), I've had one of those moments when you look out the window, and you are completely overwhelmed by the bountiful blessing poured, dumped, lavished upon you, just because you belong to Jesus.
Tomorrow, go outside and take a walk. Pass normal things, and really see them, and worship the Wonderful Creator.

Project two is almost finished, although it is not looking so pretty. It will be functional though.

Have a wonderful sleep and a fantastical tomorrow.
Mary Em


  1. Emily!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Yes, I totally agree with what you said concerning "real" things to be thankful for, and how easy it is to get waay too excited about the little things that don't really matter at all while forgetting what we should really rejoice in.
    (Also, I find it hilarious that you have a label "Micah" :)

  2. Awesome that you're thinking things through! Keep it up! :D

  3. to the reasons why people date too early...I can give them to you, but it's easier to say that the reason you won't, is because you've been raised well and you've been blessed by God with a wisdom beyond your years. I agree with absolutely everything you've said about boyfriends and dating and I hope (oh so much) that my kids will be of the same opinion.

    and the "real" things to be thankful for...I love this church so much. I cry easily, but I try not to cry in church (it upsets my kids). There was one sermon, where I could not dam up the waters, however. The one in which, Render talked about heritage and family...and that yes, biological family is a wonderful thing, but that's not our real heritage...we get that from our heavenly Father and our church family. I sobbed like a baby. My kids don't have much heritage to speak's pretty messed up. I love to think of all of you as my family. It makes their heritage SO much better.

  4. Thanks so much for your comments. I was kinda worried about writing out my thoughts about that =)

    That's so true. My church is my family. I think I remember that sermon!
